Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January Thaw (appropriately rediscovered in March)

January Thaw
Fictitious purity washed away with winter rain
Layer of insulation against reality dissolved,
Reveals the detritus beneath, left over and forgotten from fall chores and wishes
Reacquaint us with a different reality,
Reintroduce us briefly to our senses
Smiles free from the frozen warming of scarves and upturned jacket collars
Smell the earth, inhale the air
Decomposing mouse in the barn
The suck of salted mud against woolen clad feet inside rubber boots
70 degree change in a matter of days, -20 to +50
Jackets thrown off and lost in the playground slush
Fevers and the flu
All for a taste of the heady optimism of spring
Only to be forced back inside by pelting sleet and another three feet

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